Friday, April 24

Welcome to the Artful Dodger!

Supposedly we live in an age where the written word is dying. Supposedly our generation would rather see the latest Will Ferrell movie or mindlessly play videogames than engage in a meaningful conversation about art and literature. And supposedly, we'll all be living on the moon in 20 years.

In other words, people can say what they want to about the current generation's lack of interest in the arts. But we contend that there's a significant number of people who truly enjoy a great ballet performance or a moving art exhibit, and that's where we come in.

This blog is meant to be a conversation about the arts, both here in Athens, Ga., and elsewhere. We don't pretend to be experts in 19th century British literature or the latest incarnation of "West Side Story" on the stage, but we feel a connection to the arts and want to express what we do know about our favorite books, plays, dance performances, and art exhibits.

We are interested, we do care, and we actually like to read. And we believe arts coverage will continue to be a lasting presence. Take that, Julia Wallace.

- The Contributing Intellects of the Artful Dodger

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